Skanska – Silvertown Tunnel
Posted on: Mar 06, 2023
Posted by: OCU Group
Scope of Works
To safely deliver 47 no trial holes which were required to be undertaken in both public and private land. The locations of these trial holes were located in high-risk areas which were governed by the projects DCO.
Confirm that the ground is clear of obstructions to allow for existing utilities to be diverted into the propose alignment.
OCU were responsible for undertaking all civils work associated with the trial hole works, which will include the excavation, protection where required, backfill and reinstatement.
Providing key information through As-built surveys, Cross-sectional drawings showing dimensions of trial holes and all assets found along with photographs and trial hole logs
Delivery and Innovation
- Due to the condensed nature of some of the Trial Hole locations, vacuum excavation was adopted to help reduce the risk of working in and around live services
- Instalcom and Skanska collaborating to ensure full compliance with Technical Specifications to provide a high-quality engineered installation
- Adopting a digital method of managing Hand Arm Vibration using Reactec Watches
Key Challenges
- Vehicle access and egress
- Major Traffic Management
- Programme key dates
- Dealing with multiple landowners and Local Authorities
- Working with poor ground conditions
- Contaminated Land
- Working within COVID-19 Testing Centre