OCU Modus and OCU Group: A Strategic Integration Enhancing Multi-Utility Services in Complex Environments

Posted on: Sep 22, 2023

Posted by: OCU Group

Expanding capabilities in large-scale private wire grid connections and multi-utility services in complex environments marks the successful integration of OCU Modus into OCU Group. OCU Modus joined the OCU Group in 2023, marking a significant expansion in the Group’s capabilities to build and connect large-scale private wire grid connections, install complete networks, and deliver high-quality multi-utility services. Specialising in the complex multi-utility environment of London, OCU Modus brings best practices and efficiency to the entire OCU Group. This update aims to spotlight the key elements that have contributed to the seamless integration and mutual growth of both entities.

Comprehensive Service Offerings

OCU Modus brings a comprehensive range of design, build, and delivery services for both industrial and private clients. With a focus on maintenance, advice, and support, the company leverages its experienced engineers and project managers to deliver top-notch services.

Leadership: Steering Towards a Bright Future

John Cahill, the Managing Director of OCU Modus, brings a wealth of experience and expertise in civil engineering, construction, power systems, and leadership. He continues to steer OCU Modus towards a bright future as part of the OCU Group.

David Snowball, CFO of OCU Group, said:

“Integrating OCU Modus into our Group is like adding a centre of excellence for multi-utility services to our operations. Their expertise in navigating the complex utility environment of London will bring best practices and efficiencies that benefit the entire OCU Group.”

Capability: Expertise in Complex Environments

OCU Modus specialises in the design and build of complex networks and substations, including battery storage facilities and large-scale solar farms. Their expertise in the complex multi-utility environment of London enriches OCU Group’s portfolio.

Sectors and Services: A Multi-Utility Approach

OCU Modus excels in a variety of services, ranging from Network Design and Planning—such as Project Management and Substation Design—to Network Build and Installation, including Substation Construction and Streetworks Management. Their expertise also extends to High Voltage and Low Voltage services, as well as Maintenance and Repair.

The Road Ahead

The integration has not only expanded OCU Modus’ multi-utility capabilities but has also brought best practices and efficiencies from London’s complex utility environment to the entire OCU Group. The future is promising as the combined expertise is set to tackle new multi-utility challenges and explore new opportunities.

For more information, visit ocugroup.com

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